




Archieve Press Release

Title Date
Minister K S Rao Inaugurates AEPC-ATDC Smart Bhawan 26/09/2013
Continuation of Comprehensive Powerloom Cluster Development 20/09/2013
Continuation of central sector schemes for sericulture sector in the XII plan period 20/09/2013
Continuation of centrally sponsored scheme - Catalytic Development Programme for sericulture sector in the XII Plan period 12/09/2013
3187 Students- 28 Per Cent more than last Year take Admission in NIFT this Year 12/09/2013
1900 Garment Manufacturers, Whole-Sellers, Institutional buyers of Sri Lanka Attend India International Fabric Expo in Colombo 10/09/2013
Textiles Minister calls for roadmap for doubling cotton production 10/09/2013
NTC to Sell Products from Handloom Clusters 06/09/2013
TECHNOTEX 2014 Launched 31/08/2013
Continuation of the Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme in 12th Plan period 29/08/2013
Jute Production 26/08/2013
Textile Design Exhibitions 26/08/2013
Assistance to Weavers 26/08/2013
Indian Institute of Handloom 26/08/2013
Loan to Handlooms 26/08/2013
Training to Women 26/08/2013
Statement of Minister Dr. K.S.Rao at the Joint Press Conference with Mr. Abdul Latif Siddique, Minister of Textiles, Bangladesh 19/08/2013
Revising Package for Handloom Sector 14/08/2013
Traditional Handloom Centres in Madhya Pradesh 14/08/2013
Handloom Cluster 12/08/2013
Silk Industries 12/08/2013
North-Eastern States 12/08/2013
Schemes for Handloom Weavers 12/08/2013
Protection of Handloom Weavers 07/08/2013
Policy Initiatves and Schemes for Handloom Industry 07/08/2013


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