Statutory Bodies
National Jute Board, Kolkata

National Jute Board (NJB) has been constituted, as per National Jute Board Act, 2008 (12 of 2009), effective on and from 1st April, 2010 and erstwhile Jute Manufactures Development Council and National Centre for Jute Diversification got subsumed into National Jute Board (NJB). The NJB is statutorily mandated to undertake measures which include:-
- evolve an integrated approach to jute cultivation in the matters of formulation of schemes, extension work, implementation and evaluation of schemes aimed at increasing the yield of jute and improving the quality thereon;
- promote or undertake arrangements for better marketing and stabilisation of the prices of raw jute;
- Assist and encourage studies and research for improvement of processing, quality, techniques of grading and packaging; of raw jute;
- promote or undertake surveys or studies aimed at collection and formulation of statistics regarding raw jute and jute products;
- promote the development of production of jute manufactures by increasing the efficiency and productivity of the jute industry;
- sponsor, assist, coordinate, encourage or undertake scientific, technological, economic and marketing research pertaining to the jute sector;
- maintain and improve existing markets and to develop new markets within the country and outside for jute manufactures and to devise marketing strategies in consonance with the demand for such manufactures in the domestic and international markets; and
sponsor, assist, coordinate or encourage scientific, technological and economic research in the matters related to materials, equipment, methods of production, product development including discovery and development of new materials, equipment and methods and improvements in those already in use in the jute industry.
National Jute Board
(Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India)
Patsan Bhawan
CF 6/1,
Street No. 175,
Kolkata- 700156
West Bengal
Regional office: :
Flat Nos. 508 & 509,
Prakash Deep Building (5th Floor),
7, Tolstoy Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001
The Central Silk Board (CSB)

Central Silk Board (CSB)is a statutory body, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. Established in 1948, by an Act of Parliament, (Act No.LXI of 1948), the CSB has been entrusted with the overall responsibility of developing silk industry covering the full gamut of sericulture activities in the country from development of food plants to silk cocoons for production of silk yarn including formulation of policies governing Import & Export of silk. CSB is basically a Research and Development Organization. One of the important activities of the CSB is, undertaking, assisting and encouraging scientific, technological and economic research in the Silk Sector. The programmes for the development of the sericulture and silk textiles industry are primarily formulated and implemented by the State Sericulture/ Textile Departments. However, the Central Silk Board supplements the efforts of the States by providing necessary support for research and development, extension and training through its countrywide network of centres. Besides, the Central Silk Board organize production and supply of quality silkworm basic and commercial seeds, and also supports States to implement various sericulture projects. Also,Central Silk Board collects and compiles sericultural statistics both at National and Global level.
Central Silk Board
Central Silk Board Complex
B.T.M.Layout, Madiwala,
BANGALORE - 560 068
Textiles Committee

The Textiles Committee was established in July, 1964 under the Textiles Committee Act, 1963, with the objective of ensuring the quality of textiles from both the internal and export markets. Its functions include the promotion of textiles, textiles exports, research in technical and economic fields, establishing standards for textiles and textiles machinery, setting up of laboratories, and data collection located throughout the country. The Textiles Committee, in addition to its headquarters at Mumbai, has 28 Regional Offices, 17 of them with laboratories, including 9 eco parameters testing laboratories.
Textiles Committee
Ministry of Textiles, Government of India
P Balu Road, Prabhadevi
Mumbai 400025
Commissioner of Payments (COP)

The Office of Commissioner of Payments with its headquarters at Delhi, is a 18 Ministry of Textiles statutory authority, set up under Section 17(1) of the Sick Textiles Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act, 1974, Section 15(1) of the Swadeshi Cotton Mills Company Ltd. (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1986, and also under Section 17(1) of the Textiles Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act, 1995. The Commissioner of Payments disburses the amount placed at his disposal to the owners of each textiles undertaking nationalized by the aforesaid three Acts.
Scope Complex
New Delhi
National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)

NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology) is analogous to the apogee of the fashion domain today with an unmatched preeminence at a National and global level. What started as a single campus at Delhi in 1986 has transformed into a pan India presence with 18 campuses of excellence, with a vision to provide a portal into the world of Fashion through the domains of Design, Management and Technology. NIFT has multidisciplinary verticals as part of its mandate to include Training, Research & Development (R&D), Projects and Global Connect. The training of budding ‘fashionistas’ at NIFT, is an established source of professional human resource for the textile and apparel industry. R&D ventures at NIFT have established its ascendancy as the apex organization of fashion. The projects undertaken at NIFT have a formidable reputation of perfecting an ideal merge of professional prowess with innovative thought process. Globally, the field of fashion in India has an ineludible association with NIFT.
NIFT was set up in 1986 as an Autonomous Society in collaboration with the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), New York. It was conferred a Statutory Status with the publishing of the NIFT Act 2006 in the Gazette of India on 14th of July 2006. The President of India is the 'Visitor' of the Institute under the Act.
Hauz Khas,
Near Gulmohar Park,
New Delhi, Delhi 110016