




Archieve Press Release

Title Date
India’s Share in Global Textile Market 05/02/2014
Textiles Minister Inaugurates Tex Trends India- 2014,USA Registers Maximum Number of Buyers 21/01/2014
Textiles Minister K S Rao Unveils Foundation Stone of New Block of NIFT New Delhi Campus 16/01/2014
Implementation of Yarn Supply Scheme (YSS) during 12th Plan 09/01/2014
Status Quo in the Definition Of Handloom Under Handloom Reservation Act 09/01/2014
Petrapole, Benapole Land Customs Stations to be Operational Seven Days A Week, Major Relief to Exporters from Congestion on Bangladesh Border 24/12/2013
Revival of Non-Operational Textiles Factories 18/12/2013
Indian Institutes of Handloom and Textiles 18/12/2013
Scheme for the Promotion and Increase of Textile Production 18/12/2013
Problems Faced by Textile Sector 11/12/2013
Development of Handloom Weavers' Groups 11/12/2013
New National Textile Policy 11/12/2013
Target for Export of Textiles 11/12/2013
Increasing Number of NIFTS 11/12/2013
Technological Upgradation Fund Scheme 11/12/2013
Incentives to Cotton Exporters 11/12/2013
Setting up of Textile Parks by Textile Industry 11/12/2013
Training to Women Under ISDS and IHDS 11/12/2013
Incentive to Weavers 09/12/2013
Integrated Skill Development Scheme 09/12/2013
Beneficiaries Under Textile Scheme 09/12/2013
Garment exports to touch 60 billion US $ in next three years 02/12/2013
Mandatory use of jute in packaging for the jute year 2013-14 28/11/2013
Sericulture Workers to get MNREGA Benefit, Tufs to Generate Investment for Textile Industry 09/10/2013
Continuation of the scheme for Integrated Textile Parks in the 12th Plan and additional grant for apparel manufacturing units 03/10/2013


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